Monday, September 24, 2012

9/20 History Notes

HIstory 240

Spanish-- three major institutions: Mission (church), Presidos (forts), Pueblos (citizens/retired military)

1820's after Mexican independence- practically, people in CA aren't sure they want independence/want to stop being a Spaniard
Spanish supply everything that isn't being grown in CA
Californians fear you have less control when government is close
Ca most people are either active military, related to active military, former military so obvious ties to Spain
CAs are obsessed with identity, obsessed with the idea of being Spaniards, obsessed with being Californios (want to create clear distinction from NAs, consider themselves "gente de razon")
BUT some think that Spain has abandoned them, so maybe the Mexican central state will do more for them

Ranchos-- the new institution that Mexican California introduces to itself- ride horses everywhere (this distinguishes them from Indians who eat horses-- riding a horse implies ability to reason)

Secularization (1834)- the missions were sitting on all the good land in California so they secularize the missions-- the mission churches will still be churches but will be simple parish churches, this frees up a lot of land to be turned into more ranches-- some of this land is supposed to be reserved for the Mission Indians, but most of it ends up in the hands of the ranchos

Matanza- The slaughter: once a year ranchos round up the cattle and kill them all at once
Californios turn this into a party In Mexico, 

if you're a Mexican citizen, you have equal rights, this works well for Californios, but not Indians-- by law they have the same rights, but in California, they don't

Diseno- land grant map

** You may notes that the accents are missing on the Spanish words. I drafted this on my Ipad, and I haven't figured out how to add accents. Sorry!

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